
lingering on the fringes of reality

the story…

The Plateau

The Plateau

In the bread-and-chocolate-infused twilight of his own mind’s making, Bugsy Moon feels reality sway, shimmy, and shift. The mountains loom like cardboard cutouts against a painted sky, and the buildings around him, they’re just stage props in this surreal play of aimless existence. He’s teetering, teetering on the knife-edge of his own consciousness, that old scream of depersonalization snaking through his thoughts, a warning of the mind’s slippery slope into the abyss of schizophrenia.

Memories, those sly old cats slink into his thoughts, uninvited but insistent. Mardin, a mystical puzzle piece nestled in the heart of Upper Mesopotamia, flickers in his mind, unexpectedly dropping in like an uninvited distant cousin on Christmas Eve. The magnificent plateau there, under the celestial dome of night, had whispered secrets, secrets of calm seas and ancient lullabies, evoking a déjà vu so potent it felt like a past life tapping him on not one but both shoulders.

That final night in Mardin, ah, it had been a whirlwind of lights, laughter, and echoes of a life less ordinary. In a den of actors and dreamers, he was the phantom hero of a single-actor drama, his story woven into the tapestry of their bohemian revelry. The night had been alive, pulsating with the heartbeat of shared stories, of connections made in the fleeting embrace of moonlight and merriment. Flattered by being recognized for his single-actor short film that won an award in Austria, Bugsy felt an uneasy warmth.

But come morning, with the dawn, came a puzzle wrapped in an enigma. The pilot of his flight, her face the mirror image of one he’d clinked glasses with just hours before. The same, it had to be, yet the impossibility gnawed at him, a riddle tapping out a syncopated rhythm on the drums of his sanity. No, he thought, cannot be, the actress cannot also be the pilot.

Throughout the flight, the temptation to ask, to confirm, battled with the fear of unraveling a truth he might not be ready to face. Was this a trick of his own mind, a scene from a script he didn’t remember writing?

In his seat, he sought refuge in the arms of sleep, but even there, in that hazy world of dreams, the lines blurred and bled, reality and fantasy tangling like lovers in a dance too complex to untangle. Upon landing, Bugsy found himself adrift in a sea of thought. His life in espionage, a masquerade ball where masks were worn not for pleasure but for survival, seemed to have left indelible marks on the canvas of his psyche. The art of becoming someone else, of dancing in the shadows, had it finally begun to rewire the very core of who he was?

Stepping into the streets, the weight of his past – a mosaic of clandestine operations and necessary illusions – settled around him like a cloak hung on a rusty hook at an old Irish bar. The survival tactics of a life spent in espionage’s embrace came at a cost, a cost that now demanded its due.

As he wandered, the streets became a stream of consciousness, a reflection of his own journey. Life, he realized, was like his well hidden craft, a play of light and shadow where reality was as fluid as the notes of a saxophone in a smoky jazz bar. He’d danced with danger, flirted with the unknown, but now, as the boundaries of his identity began to blur and bleed, he saw the beauty and the peril in the choreography.

In a moment of clarity, as sharp and bright as a star shooting across the moonless night sky, Bugsy understood. Life was an intricate dance of perceptions and realities, each step an exploration of the self. His journey, marked by the twists and turns of a road less traveled, was not just a passage through the world but through the layers of his own story.

Standing under the vast, starlit sky, Bugsy smiled, a knowing, weary smile of a traveler long acquainted with life’s vagaries. His journey, with all its detours and diversions, was more than a quest for destinations; it was an odyssey of self-discovery. And as he continued on, each step was not just a movement through space but a dance through the ever-unfolding story of Bugsy Moon – a tale of a man and the universe whispering its secrets in the quiet moments between the beats of a jazz rhythm. Between life and the prospect of death, anything can happen in the blink of an eye. 16

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