
lingering on the fringes of reality

the story…

The Gris-Gris Boys

The Gris-Gris Boys

In the quiet haven of his home, where the tools of a handyman lay scattered like forgotten passages of a moody melody, Bugsy Moon’s solitude is pierced by a ring. The phone call, an echo from a past life, pulls him back to a world he thought he had left behind. It’s an old friend, a voice from the days of Hangar K at the Cape, urging him to renew his pilot’s license. Bugsy, nestled in the comfort of his new life, hesitates. But the insistence in his friend’s voice, laced with the nostalgia of a shared history, is hard to ignore. “C’mon,” he says, “It will be fun. Imagine, the Gris-gris Boys together again.”

They meet under the familiar humidity of the Cape, a landscape of memories and missions long past. The reunion is a mosaic of silent acknowledgments and unspoken questions. The air is heavy with a sense of something more, something unexplained that hangs between the old comrades like a critter-infested swamp.

As Bugsy navigates this gathering of yesteryears, he learns of their purpose: an invitation to join “Deep Fog,” that project veiled in mystery and ambition. It’s a proposition that stirs within him a mix of intrigue and apprehension, a dance with the unknown that he had once embraced with the fervor and indiscretions of youth.

Deep Fog whispers of possibilities, of secrets hidden within the folds of being and knowing. It promises a journey back to the exhilaration of flight, yet something about it feels unsettlingly familiar to Bugsy. The more he contemplates, the more he feels the pull of his current life, a life filled with the rhythms of jazz and the strokes of pastel on canvas. He had looked forward so much to his respite and to that dreamy day when past will be remembered only if it were a script from a cheap paperback.

In the ensuing days, as Bugsy undergoes the formalities of re-licensing — both for fixed and rotary wing. The never-ending health checks like days gone by, brings a whirlwind of reflections. He sees the parallels between this new venture and the covert operations of his past. The art of espionage, of slipping into roles and scenarios, had been his reality. Now, faced with a return to a world of uncertainty, he feels the edges of his identity blur. That blur again, like a constant hangover that you cannot shake off.

Amidst this turmoil, Bugsy finds solace in a familiar metaphor. Life, he muses, is much like a jazz performance – unpredictable, requiring adaptability and a willingness to embrace the unknown. He had danced through life, navigating its complexities much like a jazz musician lost in the throes of improvisation, creating art from the chaos. Hopefully with cats in the same key and pulsating to the same beat.

With a sense of resignation laced with poisonous curiosity, Bugsy decides to play along with this new tune life has presented. The parallel between the improvisational nature of jazz and the unpredictability of his current situation is not lost on him. Each moment, each decision, is a provisional step into the unknown. Yes, you may make a mistake. It is not the dread of the mistake but the knowledge of how much effort it will take to break away from the quagmire and pretend and convince that the short sojourn to a parallel key was all but intentional.

As he prepares to embark on this new chapter, Bugsy is acutely aware of the perils that lie ahead. The prospect of re-entering a world of the twilight — the need-to-know world — is daunting, albeit with a dose of excitement. Life’s unpredictability, he realizes, is its most enchanting chord structure.

The story of Bugsy Moon, a tale woven through the years, continues to unfold. His journey, marked by the twists and turns of an improvised life, reflects the enduring spirit of adventure and the beauty of embracing the unknown. As he steps forward into this new chapter, Bugsy carries with him the wisdom of the past. “He carries with him a wisdom forged through ages, seasoned by on-the-job training and the unpredictability of life.

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